Emerging Maritime Development in the Bay of Bengal - an opinion
Author: Md. Khurshed AlamDOI: doi.org/10.70279/bmj-v5-i2-1022
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Oceans and seas support all life by generating oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide, recycling nutrients and regulating global climate and temperature, food and livelihoods to a substantial portion of the global population. Over 90% of planets living and nonliving resources are found within a few hundred kilometers of the coasts and nearly 2/3 of world population lives near the seacoast. The ocean acts as a great heat reservoir leveling and moderating the temperature extremes, provides the least expensive form of transportation and the coasts serve as a major recreational site. From time immemorial, the oceans and seas have been serving as international ways for ships and fishing grounds for fishermen and have long influenced human imagination, cultures and destiny. The direct promotion of the economy by providing food for livelihood, tourism, trade, shipping, ship building, ship recycling, health products and recreation is one of the major off set of ocean resources/blue economy management. Beyond fish worth 135 billion dollar and ships carrying 90% of cargoes, 200 billion dollar of tourism, seas and oceans also provide climate regulation covering 70% of the earth?s surface. Mangroves, sea grass and salt marshes remove co2 from the atmosphere 10 times more than a tropical forest and store 3 to 5 times more than carbon thus decreasing the impacts of climate change and they are reducing the impacts of storm surge, erosion and flooding.
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Article Volume | Volume 05 |
Article Issue | Issue 02 |
Article DOI | doi.org/10.70279/bmj-v5-i2-1022 |
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Article Slug | emerging-maritime-development-in-the-bay-of-bengal-an-opinion |
Article Keyword | Maritime Development, Bay of Bengal |
Article Entry Time | 10:56:22 |
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