Informed Consent Policy
This Informed Consent Policy outlines the standards and requirements for obtaining informed consent in research studies published in our journal. Our aim is to ensure that ethical standards are upheld and that participants' rights and welfare are protected throughout the research process.
1. Definition of Informed Consent
Informed consent is a fundamental ethical principle that requires researchers to provide potential participants with sufficient information about the study to enable them to make an informed decision about their participation. This includes information about the purpose of the research, procedures involved, potential risks and benefits, and the right to withdraw from the study at any time without penalty.
2. Requirements for Informed Consent
2.1 Information to be Provided
Researchers must provide participants with clear and comprehensive information, including:
- Study Purpose: A description of the research and its objectives.
- Procedures: Details about what participation involves, including any interventions, assessments, or tests.
- Risks and Benefits: An outline of any potential risks or discomforts, as well as the anticipated benefits of participation.
- Confidentiality: Information on how participant data will be kept confidential and the measures taken to protect their privacy.
- Voluntary Participation: A statement emphasizing that participation is voluntary and that participants can withdraw at any time without consequences.
2.2 Documentation of Consent
Researchers must obtain written informed consent from participants before their involvement in the study. Consent forms should be clearly worded and devoid of jargon to ensure understanding. Participants should receive a copy of the consent form for their records.
2.3 Special Considerations
For research involving vulnerable populations (e.g., children, individuals with cognitive impairments), additional safeguards must be implemented. This may include obtaining consent from guardians or caregivers. Studies involving sensitive topics may require a more detailed consent process to ensure participants are fully informed of the implications of their involvement.
3. Ethical Approval
Researchers must seek and obtain ethical approval from an appropriate ethics committee or institutional review board (IRB) before commencing research that involves human participants. A statement confirming ethical approval and outlining the approval details must be included in the manuscript submitted for publication.
4. Policy Compliance
Authors are responsible for ensuring compliance with this Informed Consent Policy and for adhering to the ethical standards of their respective institutions and regulatory bodies. Manuscripts submitted to the journal that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to authors for revision or may be rejected.
5. Contact Information
For questions regarding this Informed Consent Policy or for guidance on ethical research practices, please contact our Editorial Office at