
Bangladesh is called a Maritime Nation and Maritime Region (MR) has been subjugated geomorphologically and hydrologically by the Ganges-BrahmaputraMeghna (GBM) basin and the Bay of Bengal (BoB). Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 (BDP-2100) has been taken for sustainable delta management and an intrinsical relationship appears among the parameters of MR and BDP-2100. Strength (S), Weakness (W), Opportunity (O), and Threat (T) (SWOT) analyses are revealed an object’s current situation and make it possible to augment future short-term as well as a long-term plan like BDP-2100. The objective of the study is to analyze the parameters of MR through the SWOT matrix to find out the strategic approaches for the implementation of BDP-2100. The study is based on reviewing different published research papers, articles, and reports, etc., and about 32 parameters of MR are identified through the literature review for the SWOT technique. The SWOT technique demonstrates that the MR of Bangladesh has enormous strength and extensive opportunity, but the strength is not exploited, and the opportunity is not utilized owing to their high internal weakness and moderate external threat. The study reveals four strategies i.e. SO, WO, ST, and WT strategy, and based on these it suggests some strategic approaches for the implementation of BDP-2100 contemplating the MR. Besides, the study recommends that marine resources should be utilized properly for a balanced ecosystem, new laws and regulations should be introduced to restrict the unsanctioned interruption of foreign entities and a maritime court should be established to ensure the peace and protection of the maritime border, modern technology can be used for exploration, exploitation, conservation, and management of maritime resources, all islands and ports should be used as the tourism sector, Individual or group should be supported to collaborate for maximizing the development in the maritime territory.