
This paper is a review with aiming to provide an overview on the Marine and Coastal tourism of Bangladesh as an important contributor in the Blue Economy of Bangladesh. The study signifies the sustainable exploitation and conscientious management of oceanic resources to ascertain economic growth with improved livelihood and simultaneously preserve the ecological health of the ocean. The whole concept of the ocean and shore based sustainable economy is also named as Blue Economy. And in Bangladesh, Coastal and Marine Tourism or Maritime tourism is deemed to be the second-highest job-creating sector of the Blue Economy next to industrial fishing. Similar to other South- Asian regions and the Caribbean, Bangladesh is geographically blessed with a coastal area which is serving a significant part for contributing to the growth of the Ocean Economy. This review paper explored numerous research works from several sources based on the blue economy and maritime tourism development of the world and Bangladesh. Further, we have selected most suitable secondary data to portray the role of maritime tourism in the blue economy of Bangladesh. This exploration of the prospects of Marine and Coastal tourism found avenues towards a direction of employment, alternative job and foreign investment through the sustainable use of aquatic and shoreline resources. Alongside aiding and boosting GDP growth, Maritime tourism inspires Community Participation, a tool of sustainability, to ensure a raised standard of living and environmental balance as well. The prospects for developing coastal and maritime tourism in Bangladesh are multidimensional because of the topographical and strategic location. This study also compares the data of the Cruising industry of Bangladesh and the world as a potential segment of marine tourism.